House Bricks
Getting the right house bricks for your building project is an integral part of the job. You will need to consider lots of things when choosing your house bricks, such as the colour of the bricks, the size of the bricks and the strength of bricks.
The experts at Brick Hunter can help you find the right house bricks for your job, with a strong background and training in bricks they will be able to help and advise you when making the decision for the house bricks you need.
Whether you are looking for reclaimed house bricks, clay common bricks, clay facing bricks, engineering bricks or concrete common bricks we will have the bricks you’re looking for.
If you are not sure of the style of house brick you are looking for it may be worth having a look at your neighbour’s homes, look in magazines and catalogues and look on the internet. Choose a bricks style that you like and grab a photo. All you need to do is send this brick to the specialists at Brick Hunter and they will find the matching brick for your building project.
It is important to note than when building your home with brick or stone, it will look fantastic but the insulation is pretty poor, not only that but the air leeks and general energy efficiency is quite bad too so make sure you bear this in mind when you are building your house.
You could opt for a full brick or stone wall to your house; these are very thick walls that are incredibly structurally sound – more so than many other homes, however the insulation of these walls is very poor leaving you with a potentially very wet and cold home.
Alternatively you could look at having a small gap between an inner and outer wall and then filling this with insulation. The insulation improves the energy efficiency of the home, helping you to keep the heat inside.
When considering your next brick project speak to the staff at Brick Hunter, they will help and advise you on the best practices for your building project.