What is a brick match?
There are thousands of bricks out there with varying
textures, colors, styles and brands, you certainly won't be limited for choice!
Some of which will be OK for your project but...
why settle for something that isn't
EXACTLY what you want?
If you want a great match to your current project then you need to brick match!
Match Your Bricks the QUICK & EASY way
We Can Help! Call Us NOW!
0330 122 4060
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We can help you!
Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm
What is a brick match service?
Matching bricks yourself can be a daunting process these
days, considering there are over
different types of bricks currently
on the market.

Luckily, there is now a Quick and Easy
way to match the right brick thanks to a specialist tool created by Brickhunter!
We just need your details and 3 images and our expert team will finish the rest of the process for you!
It's that simple!

Once this has been carried out, we will give you the results and even let you know if the bricks are in stock and how much they cost.
So why get carried away with the time wasting process of looking through thousands of bricks when an expert can do it for you?
What images do you need?

Close up (1-2 Feet)
A close up will allow us to evaluate the texture of the brick.

Range (4-6 Feet)
The mid-range image will give us the best understanding of the color.

Wall (10-20 Feet)
The final image, a longer view, allows us to see the overall look, color and pattern.

Making your life even easier
Another difficulty of choosing bricks online yourself is that it is not always possible to tell exactly how the bricks will actually look in real life.
To make life even easier, we will also give you the option to request a brick sample. This sample can be delivered straight to your door and you will be able to see exactly how the brick looks and if it's a Great match!
Request a Sample - What will you get?
You'll receive a small flat pack sample which will be sent straight to your door so you can see it and touch it for real. It's that simple! Simply call the Brickhunter to Order a sample. A £5 sample charge will be required for brick samples.
Start making your life easier
with Brickhunter!
0330 122 4060
Call Us Now! We Can Help!
Call us NOW!
We can help you!
Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm
How do you measure your brick?
To correctly measure a brick, ensuring the size is right for your project, you'll just need a tape measure and your creative eye (as well as the actual brick wall).

For height, simply turn the tape measure to a vertical position, measuring from the bottom of the tape (metal tip) level to the bottom of the brick (not including the mortar, the average should be about 60mm) and stretch it out to the topside of the brick.

For the length, do the same but turn the tape to a horizontal position instead (the average length of most brick is around 170-200mm.)

A handy pro-tip for measuring the depth is to measure a brick at the very CORNER of your wall so you can measure the small end of the brick (80mm approx.)

If you want to know anything else, Brickhunter has a specialist team of experts on hand to assist with any queries.
Just give our team a call!
0330 122 4060
Call us NOW!
We can help you!
Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm